I have Verizon FiOS internet which requires an ONT (optical network terminal) box, usually mounted near the point of entry
Author: N1UGK
WSPR is an interesting mode and offers some unexpected spotter locations. With as little as 200 milliwatts of power, you can reach half way across the globe.
Although this is my least favourite of the Radio Shack line of pocket computers, it is the most nostalgic for me, as it is the only one I actually owned back when these were sold.
There may be some dependencies on the grid needed to use your favourite radio communication mode(s).
I have never had an outdoor HF antenna until now, and what a difference with the same antenna outdoors versus indoors. I managed to hang an OCFD antenna for 40, 20, 10 and 6 meters in a very small crowded lot.
You do not need a DMR radio to get into a DMR network such as BrandMeister or TGIF. You can use C4FM, D-STAR, and others with some simple configuration on Pi-Star.
With a bit of organization, you can avoid the frustrations of loading saved programs (wav files) into pocket computers or other vintage computers.
I upgraded the Kenwood SP-230 speaker using the Phits K95A and Phits GPH-X80 kits. The new speaker and foam made quite an improvement in detail and sound quality over the original speaker.
I recently acquired the PC-4 printer and cassette modules and wrote a version of my banner program for this model pocket computer. With only 544 bytes available, it was the most challenging version to code.