The Casio PB-770 was quite an impressive model given the release date. With a multi-line display and memory expansion options, this model was certainly a competitor to the Sharp offerings of the time.
Author: N1UGK
I found a Casio PB-1000 and an MD-100 on an auction site. I have spent a few months with this pocket computer and it has become one of my favourites.
After hearing quite a bit about Meshtastic, I picked up a few different inexpensive devices to experiment with and see how well they work for off-grid texting.
I recently needed to read old 3.5″ floppy disks for a project and was able to quite easily repair an old 3.5″ floppy drive in an old laptop.
The RS-232 interface for the Radio Shack PC-2 along with the CE-158 for the Sharp PC-1500 are difficult to find these days. These added possibilities to connect to printers, modems, save load programs faster and more. Luckily the CE-158X has been released.
I was curious how difficult it would be to program a simple game for the PC-6. I picked a rather simple concept to start with, a “matching” game.
As we are approaching the height of the current solar cycle 25, 6-meters has had quite a few openings recently.
Adding a fan to keep an older mobile transceiver cool is easy to do with ready made parts.
I have Verizon FiOS internet which requires an ONT (optical network terminal) box, usually mounted near the point of entry