I recently needed to read old 3.5″ floppy disks for a project and was able to quite easily repair an old 3.5″ floppy drive in an old laptop.
Author: N1UGK
The RS-232 interface for the Radio Shack PC-2 along with the CE-158 for the Sharp PC-1500 are difficult to find these days. These added possibilities to connect to printers, modems, save load programs faster and more. Luckily the CE-158X has been released.
I was curious how difficult it would be to program a simple game for the PC-6. I picked a rather simple concept to start with, a “matching” game.
As we are approaching the height of the current solar cycle 25, 6-meters has had quite a few openings recently.
Adding a fan to keep an older mobile transceiver cool is easy to do with ready made parts.
I have Verizon FiOS internet which requires an ONT (optical network terminal) box, usually mounted near the point of entry
WSPR is an interesting mode and offers some unexpected spotter locations. With as little as 200 milliwatts of power, you can reach half way across the globe.
Although this is my least favourite of the Radio Shack line of pocket computers, it is the most nostalgic for me, as it is the only one I actually owned back when these were sold.
There may be some dependencies on the grid needed to use your favourite radio communication mode(s).