Using CAT and VB-CABLE, put your SDR to work on HF with WSPR
Packet radio is still a popular mode for APRS and Winlink, to name a few uses. With many forms of packet including hardware and software options, it’s worth exploring.
CW is still a very popular mode, and even though it is no longer required on any of the amateur radio license exams, learning it is a challenge worth taking on.
Powerpole connectors make for a convenient and simple way to interconnect all of your equipment to your power sources.
Connecting multiple rigs to a single tri-band antenna can be done using duplexers and/or triplexers. I’ve connected my FT-991A and TH-9000D to my CX-333 triband base antenna.
The ARRL offered an HF Kits EFHW kit which I decided to try out. This was my first kit and I had some good results with the build.
Alinco took a gamble producing an HT for two of the least common bands in the United States (and perhaps globally) when they released the DJ-G29T. It’s a fantastic HT and the only commercially sold amateur radio for the 33-cm band.
A modified SP-10 external speaker for the FT-991A dramatically improved RX audio quality, a huge improvement over the built in top-firing speaker.
The Radio Shack / Realistic HTX-202 and HTX-404 are solid HTs that survived over time with minor maintenance items such as the internal battery and the high low power switch.