The GPD Pocket is an excellent form factor for portable, emergency, or field work for digital modes and SDRs. It can easily fit in a small pack with other gear, and is a great alternative to carrying a laptop.
Author: N1UGK
Building your own EMP protective enclosure can be far less expensive than buying one and can be done with readily available parts. Further, you can use the EMP container as a portable go kit.
After assembling the low bands version of the (tr)uSDX, I decided to try the high bands version of the kit, which includes 10, 12, 15, 17, and 20 meters. I mainly wanted the 10 meter band as we’re on the upswing of the current solar cycle.
Building an adapter to connect a speaker mic to the (tr)uSDX is fairly simple and can improve the experience when operating in phone modes.
Replacing the HV caps in the Kenwood TS-830S is a fairly simple job, thanks to KE4AA for the parts. This is the second hybrid rig that I’ve replaced these HV caps for.
I decided to install the optional CW filters in my Kenwood TS-830S.
I found a Kenwood TS-830S in excellent condition and it needed only minor cleaning to get on the air with full power output on all bands.
The (tr)uSDX can be used for FT8 and other digital modes by using it’s CAT capability and audio in/out jacks.
The (tr)uSDX is a pocket sized QRP transceiver, capable of CW, LSB, USB (and AM/FM). It covers 80, 60, 40, 30, and 20 meters. What I find amazing about this transceiver is that it has a VFO, OLED screen, built in speaker and key, all inside of a pocket sized case. Further, it can decode CW and measure approximate SWR and power output.
The Kenwood TS-530SP is among some of the most popular hybrid rigs from the 80s which are still in service today. I purchased mine from N1QQV who got me into the hobby and who is now a silent key. The radio has sentimental value and operating it is like stepping back in time.