Building your own EMP protective enclosure can be far less expensive than buying one and can be done with readily available parts. Further, you can use the EMP container as a portable go kit.

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After assembling the low bands version of the (tr)uSDX, I decided to try the high bands version of the kit, which includes 10, 12, 15, 17, and 20 meters. I mainly wanted the 10 meter band as we’re on the upswing of the current solar cycle.

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I found a Kenwood TS-830S in excellent condition and it needed only minor cleaning to get on the air with full power output on all bands.

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The (tr)uSDX is a pocket sized QRP transceiver, capable of CW, LSB, USB (and AM/FM). It covers 80, 60, 40, 30, and 20 meters. What I find amazing about this transceiver is that it has a VFO, OLED screen, built in speaker and key, all inside of a pocket sized case. Further, it can decode CW and measure approximate SWR and power output.

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The Kenwood TS-530SP is among some of the most popular hybrid rigs from the 80s which are still in service today. I purchased mine from N1QQV who got me into the hobby and who is now a silent key. The radio has sentimental value and operating it is like stepping back in time.

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